Cheshire Tithe Maps Online
The new, updated tithe map site is now live! The website was first launched in 2008 to provide online access to nearly 500 tithe maps from the mid 19th century with details of owners, occupiers and land alongside later Ordnance Survey maps, modern day maps and aerial photographs. Over the last 10 years the website has been accessed by over 1 million people and has been popular with archaeologists and planning professionals, schools and local historians – not to mention anyone with a Cheshire postcode researching the history of their house.
The website was the only one of its kind when it was first developed and since that time technology has advanced significantly. The original site could not be used on smartphones or tablets and was becoming less reliable. The new website includes all the previous mapping, data and search facilities with new viewing options making it user and mobile friendly.
- Maps are now viewed full screen and easier to navigate
- You can now fade in and out between your choice of maps or aerial photographs to compare places then and now and use the slider to view more or less of a map. There is now more flexibility to discover how Cheshire has changed over time.
- If you’re out and about in Cheshire load the site on your mobile and navigate immediately to your location and see what was there over 150 years ago.
See the new Cheshire Tithe Maps Online site.