About our service
Volunteers | Service Charter | Collection Policy | Preservation Policy | Public Task Statement | Access Policy
The Cheshire Archives and Local Studies service identifies, collects and cares for archives and publications that are the evidence of Cheshire communities’ lives past and present. We deliver access for all to our collections for information, learning and enjoyment and work to make sure archives survive so that future generations will be able to do the same.
We are a shared service of Cheshire West and Chester and Cheshire East Councils.
The service is also responsible for delivering the archives service for Warrington and Halton boroughs.
Cheshire's archives: a story shared
Central to our vision for Cheshire’s archives is to provide new premises for the Archives service, its activities and the collections, and bring collections closer to people. The project is supported by the National Lottery Heritage Fund, the Wolfson Foundation and by the UK government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund. See the plans and follow our progress on a dedicated project site.
Latest update: September 2024
Following planning approval in March, Kier Construction have been appointed to build the new history centres in Chester and Crewe. The project team have been working closely with Kier to complete building designs and we expect to begin construction on both sites on site in Autumn 2024.
At the same time, in order to prepare the six miles of archives for their move to new homes, as well as enabling the team to focus on delivering the project’s extensive outreach programme, access to archives at the Record Office has been put on hold from 8th August 2024. Research access will begin again once the new centres open. This is expected to be in the first half of 2026.
While you cannot access collections in person at the Record Office, the Archives team will continue to
- answer enquiries about collections
- offer short search and research services where possible
- supply copies of documents where possible
Online access will remain unaffected.

Find out more about Cheshire Archives
The best way to keep in touch is via our social media channels and our newsletter which you can subscribe to here. You can also get in touch about the project by emailing us at archivesproject@cheshiresharedservices.gov.uk.
See frequently asked questions about the move

This website is run in partnership between Cheshire West and Chester and Cheshire East Councils.